tisdag 20 maj 2008

Chrashing Fantasy interactive's party

It was supposed to be a nice mingle open house at Fantasy Interactive's classy office at Stureplan in central Stockholm, presenting themselves to European Design Awards participants, nice people from all around the globe.
But it all went wrong when people working there got too nice and friendly and let the alcohol flow free! So I end up talking bulshit to advertising professionals and celebrity designers and programers. Very bad way of establishing contacts, I thought the day after.
My class mate happen to accidently steal shoes from a famous flash designer Fake Pilot (photo above). Good luck in finding job, dude.

Anyway, we had an honour to the first in the world to see the FWA THEATRE, a video application based on FIV (fantasy interactive video). Check it our at here. FI kicks ass!

Free sandwiches at Hyper Session #2!

Jonathan Briggs, proffesors at Kingston university and one of the founders of school i go to, Hyper Island, was guest at hyper session at telefonplan, Stockholm for about 100 guests from the advertising business. And his lecture was called something like 'Everything you know about digital media is wrong'.

Ambitious and provocative title for an one hour of explaining how google is a world best search engine, a powerfull company and how advertizers should consider it's and social networkings influence on internet.
However, I got introduced one cool thing which i think it was called fusestats. Its a powerfull plugin that shows where visitors do their clicks in a very good way- it reminds me on the way health inspectors in american movies looks for germs, with infralight. This tool is unfortunately not free but i gues itäs worth massive if you run a big site and you want to know your visitors thoughts.
Anyway, Briggs is a very inspiring guy.

tisdag 13 maj 2008

gif animations rules

Can it be more simple and as fun? Cyriak kicks ass!
check it out

Mario Kart FWA

It didn't take long time from the moment Fantasy Interactive released Mario Kart Wii Microsite until they won the FWA award!
The site introduces users to the latest chapter of the racing series, showing the Nintendo characters, their new motorbikes and the Wii Wheel.

Hats of heads for that masterpeice. Clean pixel perfection style as always.
check it out

fredag 9 maj 2008

open source challenge

Alright, we have 5 different applications done by different groups at technology module at Hyper, and the thing with this challenge is if someone has an ideas or better and more effective code, wins a game console worth 200 us dollars!
Download source files and have a look into the code, it might be you who can make it work better!

The king was in the house.

Greeks had their own gods responsible for in every field their antient lives.
We, geeks, have that too! And His name is Carlos, a guy that made sure that things in flash move in all directions and not only that- he gave a viewer possibility to move and see things from behind and above. 3D in flash or papervision is a project that went public for couple of years ago now and since than it has changed the whole experience of interacting a flash presentation. Now, version 2.0 is about to see the sunshine and Carlos Ulloa came to our school to tell us more about it. It was like going to church listening Mr Jesus Christ himself talking about bible and crusifiction. Very inspiring to meet a person devoted to open source and its developing comunity. Good stuff.